$122.00 AUD

12 monthly payments

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Support Package Prep/Kindy

Congratulations on choosing our support package.

What you'll get:

1. Curriculum Plan for Registration: Our carefully crafted curriculum plan ensures a well-rounded education for your child, following the renowned Montessori principles.

2. 12-Month Learning Platform Access: Enjoy uninterrupted access to our comprehensive online learning platform for an entire year, filled with engaging lessons and resources.

3. Private Facebook Group Access: Connect with a community of like-minded parents and educators, sharing valuable insights and experiences.

4. Weekly Live Online Parent Group: Join our interactive group discussions where you can gain valuable knowledge, ask questions, and exchange ideas with other parents.

5. Weekly Live Online Classes: Provide your child with exciting opportunities for collaboration and connection with peers, through our weekly group classes specially designed for their age group.

6. 1:1 Consultation: Benefit from a personalized consultation with our expert team to address any specific concerns or questions you may have.